I’ve been saying this quote alot lately… contrary to my natural temperament. Melons (melancholies) are generally known for their (deeper than most) perspective or insight in things (life, self, world, etc..) and in this fallen world, its not much to be happy about….it takes alot of intentional focus and effort to notice the good things in life. Often it would be staring right into our eyes but we would be oblivious to it, for some reasons. Having the insight can be both a blessing and a curse. As Solomon have discovered much earlier than I – For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief. ~ Ecclesiastes 1:18. I think I can understand what he meant. Not saying I’m wise and all but I noticed enough… 🙂

I have been careful not to let myself get to engrossed with life’s downturn. But rather try to look at things in a positive perspective. Much of my younger years have been spent looking at shadows, I’d like to face the light for the remaining years. Some may call it hope, faith, whatever it is.. it is good, wholesome, pleasant to think of such things.

Well I’m not here to talk about melons and sorrow too much.

“Have a little fun everyday.” …. If we don’t enjoy life, how do we teach others? What makes this life worth living if we are to be unhappy everyday? Seeking fortunes and grilling ourselves every single day so that tomorrow, we can enjoy ~ a phrase often quoted by many. For some of them, tomorrow would never come. They would spend half, if not most of their lives storing the “wealth” and the “grain” for tomorrow only to find that they have not really lived or have not really gain anything that is of importance but lost much that matters.

Ah… I think I’m getting too deep again. I wanted to blog about having fun, – enjoying life. We’re all much too stressed up every single day with work, family, money, worries of life. We are much to anxious about tomorrow. By we meaning people in general.

Life breathed into us for many a purpose. The most direct answer would be to be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground. ~ Genesis 1:28.

I also believe that God wants us to enjoy life. To discover His manifold glory that is revealed in the world around us. To enjoy them and to reflect back His glory to God by praises and worship. Life is enjoyable, I couldn’t imagine why we would seek after life eternal if it is not. Some scholars would even say that eternal life begins the moment we surrender ourselves to Jesus Christ.

So I would like to encourage everyone (even myself) to find the little things in life to enjoy. To give thanks to God for His blessings. To enjoy life. To use some of the effort we put into our work, commitments, responsibilities into enjoy the “little things in life” that often points to the bigger things in life. 

Reflect more. Laugh a little more. Don’t take yourselves too seriously. Spread some cheer. Forgive. Love….. Enjoy life, you only get to go through it once.

You + Joy = (You fill in the blanks)

Have a little fun everyday.