I realised times were changing today when a group of 4 grown men who were conversing over the email, not about men stuff or the latest sports results but about……sigh……. breast pumps…. Haha! Yes! the dread! … Fatherhood is dawning on my group of buddies fast than I can say… forget it.

We were catching up with one another, starting with the reason why I was “stone-cold” on them and that I was quiet all the while… suddenly the conversation took a 90 degree turn to baby fair this weekend… And the next thing you know, one of ma buhdies brought up breast pump.. Haha! Father-to-bes, Medela is the recommended brand. :p

Yes FYI, I’m the only one in my group of buddies who is not married, and does not have a child… the former has to come first before the latter. 🙂

Anyway.. it dawned on me. We are no longer cikus’…….. (Wondering how ciku phrase come about)..so whats next? Coconut? Durian? Watermelon?

:p Cheers…

ps: I’m looking forward to married life and having one of my own in due time.. 🙂